Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Home for a week

Well, today marks a week home from Spain.  It has been a whirl wind.
My friends and I lugged 80 pounds each through the metro in Spain at midnight and finally made it to the airport with plenty of time, 7 hours to be exact.  We were planning on not running or stressing on our flight home.  Well, we arrived in London and had to run from gate 1 to the last gate 42 to make our flight home.
I feel like I have hit the ground running since returning.  Gwyneth left for camp 4 days after I returned so we had to get her ready and it's just been crazy.  In Spain there were not a lot of responsibilities.  Of course at home there are tons.  It was weird sitting on the plane from London to DFW thinking that only 7 hours before I'd been walking past Plaza Espana and living the Madrid life.  My sister Regina said enjoy every minute even though you want to go home because it will end very quickly and you don't know when you will be back.  It all seems like a dream to me, but I know it happened.
So, onto real life... hopefully with new perspective and renewed spirit.

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